Friday, February 26, 2016


How can you demand respect from others but not demand it from yourself? Its is truly okay if you didn't know how to demand it in your last relationship or you are learning to now the important part is that you demand it. Now don't get me wrong some people want crazy amounts of respect like people are dogs that's not what I'm talking about. In relationships yes you guys should know each others where abouts not because its a death sentence but because you know your mate worries. Be respectful and how you address the other sex, topics and time management. In friendship you must demand respect why are you the best friend to someone but they treat you like you are barely an associates? Every relationship in your life should be worth your time because tomorrow its not promised. Of course every relationship will not be the same on both ends but you know when someone is showing true effort. No argument is worth losing a relationship but you have to remember mentally everyone is not on the same level. Age is not mentality and that's sad but its true. Don't assume people will do you how you do them you have to demand it and if they cant supply it let them go. Hold yourself to a higher standard and those around you will be forced to do the same. When in doubt ask God for guidance and listen to his responses. Demand a better life for yourself and use God as your backbone.

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