Sunday, April 3, 2016

Loving Yourself 101: Expectation

According to my latest search of the word "expectation" on google it's is defined as: A strong belief that something will happen or be the case in the future. We expect so much from our friendships, mates, family, ourselves  and associates. When it doesn't turn out the way we imagine we develop a portion of anger that can possibly steer us in the wrong way. When people we care about hurt us we tend to carry that hurt for months or years. I for one expected so much from everyone in my life I expected to be respected, loved, valued and not rejected by any one of them. They were my circle my trusted circle at that so why shouldn't  I expect that. For example, If I'm the friend that goes all out on your bday why wouldn't you do it for mine?  (Of course excluding monetary issues). Showing up for me is what's important friendships are relationships that's why it hurts when we are let down. WE expect never to be left out (even from the small things) and when we are we mask the hurt. I know I'm so sensitive when it comes to that. I also realized protecting me is what's most important so I often find myself just staying away. We expect people to treat us better but we don't demand the same thing from ourselves we give chance after chance to people who care only to temporarily make a change because we benefit their lives  but never stop to ask ourselves what they benefit for us. WE are so busy trying not to be alone that we are willing to surround ourselves with shells of people instead of individuals who actually add values to our lives. When we get hurt we expect ourselves to somehow have known what was coming so now we are angry again. We expect our parents to be there for us in certain ways we expect people to understand how we feel in certain situations we EXPECT that they value us the way we value them. Why is that? I think it's because we don't give ourselves a chance to see people for who they truly are we look at them to be who we need them to be to us and when they can't deliver that even when we can deliver it to them we are devastated disappointed because to your heart your emotions why can't they be? We expect ourselves to be able to get over breakups that have some what broken us and how can you expect that of yourself? Immediately??  Letting go of any expectation takes time healing is a process inside a process. For now on I have only one EXPECTATION and that's to surround myself with people who display that they want to be a asset to my life not take away from me in anyway unless it's comfort they need. Surround yourself with those who want what's best for you and will be there for you when you can't be there for yourself. Who wants to he surrounded by a bunch of emptiness?