Monday, May 30, 2016

Loving Yourself 101: Victim? Not!

I just wanted to clarify somethings in my writing. I know some of it is very deep and very hurtful to some people who care about me or share my story. However, I am not destroyed by anything in my past TRUST me when I say I love me even more for being able to sit back at it and laugh and thank God he took me from it. Am I happy it happened?  I mean no one wants to be hurt but I'm strong n spiritually guided. I learned who I am and that I  need God daily just read the Lord's Prayer. I always loved him but never have I ever been in love with him.  He is my strength and my father! He completes me and nothing else. He taught me to look at me learn more of myself and believe he has more from me and I truly want for nothing every obstacle I stumble across he clears the path. Come to this realization sometimes being knocked down allows your next stand to be on an un breakable foundation because God built it! Do you all really think that God doesn't use Satan??!! Anything the enemy can do to you God can stop start believing in you my loves and not what you have been through! Hold true to the value you  have you are not who you were when you were in that situation and that alone is something to celebrate! No rape, lie, or moment of abandonment defines you! I am indestructible God himself builds me daily I consult him in every move I make you should to! We all have moments where we will stumble but he will catch you! There is no victim here just a survivor who is meant to make sure others survive as well. Enjoy your Memorial Day with this in mind! You may not be a Vet in the eyes of your fellow friends or family but you truly are in the eyes of God you are at War daily in this world full of lost, jealous, confused people but when you acknowledge that you are not perfect but you know someone who is you win every day! Go to war with God as the general and believe me you will survivor everytime! Believe what is meant for you is for you no one can have it.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Girl!!!!!
    I nominated you for the Liebster Award!
    Hope you accept it, you can check it out here:
