Wednesday, June 22, 2016

LOVING YOURSELF 101: Prayer to Let Go

As I read through my emails I just want to say this you are not weak because you haven't learned how to let go. You have to make a decision! You have to believe that letting go leads to healing. Trust me when I say my writing can never truly express how hard it was for me to let go and give it to God. I prayed to him daily for hours at a time to answer my prayer the way that I wanted him to. It wasn't until I began to learn to pray about his will that things changed in my life. I believe one of the hardest parts about this journey is learning how to take your hands off of a situation that you have allowed yourself to have a death grip on. No matter how much you love someone. No matter how much you want them to change there is nothing you can honestly do to make them conform to what you want. You must release the grip and give it to God. He is the only one who can change us. When you are releasing it you have to ask God what his will is for the situation and to teach you how to bare it. If it’s in his will our Father will make a way. Running across this prayer today is something I hope helps find you peace:

Lord Jesus Please forgive me of my sins as I turn to you. This situation is hard! This relationship I love it & care for it. However I realize its unfruitful, Holy spirit I pray right now that you will take away my desire to be connected to this individual. I submit my heart unto your leading and you will. Help me to do the hard thing. Lord I pray you will pull away from me everything that is not of you. If they are good bring them near. If they are not drive them away. I submit my heart and my will unto you! In your son Jesus name Amen!


Thursday, June 9, 2016

Loving Yourself 101: Trust

Good Morning my loves!! I hope that everyone woke up this morning saying thank you to the father for all that he has done and still is. I know I have been on the fence about talking about a few things in my life and my past because I was not really sure where God was taking me with it. However now I am able to speak on it. One of the most important parts of this journey is trust. Trusting God and realizing you can still trust your self. Every inch of pain you felt as you felt it was real no one can ever take that from you but as I've stated before it time to trust God as he guides you. He will prepare you its just truly up to you if you want to listen and pay attention. He warned me that I was about to face my past everyone who ever hurt me, left me, tried to destroy me and what I thought of myself! I have literally faced in the last month in a half people who at some point impacted me. We are talking about people who sought to destroy me and my relationships with lies. We are talking about people who had wronged me and now it was placed on their hearts to make it right. I remember asking my cousin was I crazy... I asked what was happening to me? Where are these people coming from?  Why are these people brining up these old things I was over. Her exact words "you better get ready".  The truth was I wasn't over it because I was still angry or hurt about some of it. What I thought I was over I had simply buried under the ton of emotions I was already running away from. I remembering asking God to remove anything that's stopping me from walking in my purpose. When I tell you he is the be all when you ask you receive. He removed it all even things I had no clue were still there. I realized as I forgave them I forgave me for still holding on to it. I realized that I now remember so many things I had been successful at blocking out I wasn't afraid any more. When God told me to stop it and let everyone go I did and slowly but surely he has restored every friendship he felt would lead me in the next step of my walk. As scary as it was as alone as I felt! I must admit I didn't lose anything and I gain daily. Each day he is healing me, my soul, my spirit and giving strength in my flesh to over come anything. My past is just that my past I'm excited as I walk with God in the beginning of my new chapter.

As always you can reach me via Email or simply reply and comments. I am here if you need me.

Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him, and he will act. Psalm 37:5